Flexible fractal networks

Flexible Fractal Networks (FFNs) embody a living, breathing approach to organizational structure, designed to be inherently adaptable, interconnected, and scalable. This structure emphasizes the capacity of each participant (node), relationship (flow), and group (circle) to navigate change using the SPIRAL framework, creating a harmonious synthesis between independence and collective action.


  • Definition

    Every individual member or unit of the organization acts as a node. Each node possesses goals, skills, perspectives, and roles contributing to the broader organizational direction.


    Nodes operate with a high degree of autonomy, empowered to make decisions and take action aligned with both their personal SPIRAL objectives and the collective goals of their circles.


    Continuous personal and professional development is encouraged, equipping nodes with the ability to adapt and grow within the evolving frameworks of FFNs.

    SPIRAL Practitioners

    Nodes use SPIRAL to navigate and implement change, aligning with any broader circle's SPIRAL.

  • Information Sharing

    Transparent and open communication channels ensure that information flows seamlessly between nodes, fostering a culture of knowledge sharing and collective wisdom.

    Resource Distribution

    Flows facilitate the equitable distribution and sharing of resources, ensuring all nodes have access to what they need to contribute effectively to their circles.

    Relational Connectivity

    Beyond functional aspects, flows nurture interpersonal relationships and emotional connections, which are vital for trust-building and collaboration within and between circles.

  • Self-Organizing

    Circles form around common goals, projects, or interests. Their composition is fluid, allowing nodes to move freely in response to the shifting needs and priorities of the organization.


    Circles operate without traditional hierarchies. Leadership and roles are distributed based on expertise, interest, and the needs of the moment, rather than fixed titles or positions.


    While circles are self-contained units, they are also part of a larger network. Each circle is a node within any broader circles, mirroring the fractal nature of FFNs.

    SPIRAL Alignment

    Circles employ the SPIRAL framework at a collective level, ensuring their actions contribute positively to the organizational ecosystem and its adaptive evolution.

FFNs work best with SPIRAL

When they’re used together, magic happens
